Friday, September 10, 2010

Discussion: Icecrown!

If you haven't checked out our sponsor's store over on the right-hand size of this page, I'd suggest you do so. Especially if you haven't seen all of the rares and epics from the Icecrown expansion. Ron's got them all up for pre-order right now.

Finished looking? Awesome. Now, onto today's discussion topic: What do you think of the rares and epics in this exciting new set? Share your thoughts!

I'll do a follow-up article this weekend sharing my outlook on the rares and epics in general with this set. Monday will include a Financial Analysis article on everything, so be sure to check in to my blog for that!

1 comment:

  1. Epics-Uniformly good except for Rhonin. I think that the new Jaina isn't quite the power card to bump out other members of the Blue Man Group, but I might be *really* wrong about that. Val'anyr is my underdog of the lot, swarm decks can get a lot of mileage out of that ability.

    Rares-Too many good ones to list? The entire set of rares looks like CZE went and:

    1) looked at a list of fringe decks/classes/specs that weren't quite "there", and gave them tools to make them better.
    2) A lot of really powerful cards on their own merits-the rares look about as powerful as Scourgewar.

    Powerful cards generally make for happy players, provided something doesn't go totally broken along the way (e.g, Combo Winter). I expect this set to be a huge success.
